Facebook was founded back in 2004, whereas Instagram was founded in 2010. Now, the question is, even if Facebook was founded much before Instagram, then why Instagram is better than Facebook? In that case, let us tell you that Instagram provides its users with a far different experience than Facebook. This is because it is mainly focused on visual-based content. Considering the advantage Facebook had of being older than Instagram we must be wondering why are we even supporting the statement “Instagram is better than Facebook.” So, in this blog we will talk about the advantages of Instagram over Facebook and why is it the best social media platform? But before we proceed further, let me ask if anyone is aware of the total number of Instagram users at present? No? so, here it is, there are around 1.4 billion people who use Instagram. With this, Instagram has gained popularity over the last two years as the platform had only 1 billion users back in 2019. Interestingly, Instagram has even taken over Facebook messenger. We’ll now know about some of the advantages of using Instagram over Facebook.

Advantages of using Instagram over Facebook

Instagram is a visual and precise platform

If we compare Instagram and Facebook, Instagram is undoubtedly better than Facebook even when it comes to content sharing. It takes a lot of time to share feelings and express yourself over Facebook as you may have to post something along with its background which includes long captions as well.But we have to be very precise while sharing something on Instagram because you can only express yourself with a picture or a short video and no long captions. No one reads long captions on Instagram rather people use Instagram for precise info and posts. All you need is a picture or a video and a perspective to understand it and make it easy for people to understand what you are conveying. Also read: Instagram Launches AMBER Alerts to Help Locate Missing Children

You can limit who can follow you on Instagram

Unlike Facebook, where if you add someone as a friend and if they accept your request you will have to keep them in your friend’s list, Instagram doesn’t require you to keep the people you follow also in your following. It’s okay if you want to follow someone but don’t want them to follow you back or vice versa. This gives you control over who can see your posts and like them. Whereas this facility is not available on Facebook, there is no way you can limit your limits for seeing what you post.

You can get your business noticed through Instagram

Before Instagram gained popularity, Facebook was used to promote businesses. But now, Instagram is the best way to promote business and get it noticed. Use Instagram wisely as it will help you to gain followers which can have a really good impact on your business. People these days check Instagram business profiles before relying on them. More the followers better the business.

Good source & platform for earning

If you are an active Instagram user, you must be knowing how this platform has helped several to start their earnings. And this is where Facebook lacked, it is not that people never earned from the platform but it was comparatively less of what people are getting now through Instagram. The people with a high number of followers become influencers and get into promotions and various other activities. They then get paid for promoting other businesses. So, if you also want to earn through a social media site, Instagram is the best platform for you.

You may get a chance to go viral

Instagram is of great advantage to those people who want to get viral. All you need to do is keep posting on regular basis. You never which post of yours get viral and you gain followers. And having more followers mean you are famous.

Instagram hashtags help in better reach

Have you ever noticed that people mostly use hashtags in their posts? These hashtags don’t mean they are highlighting and emphasizing the word they are writing; it simply means those are the trending hashtags used by most people. If someone will search for something with the trending hashtags, all the posts will those hashtags will appear in the search. These hashtags help in better reach and make you noticeable. Using hashtags is another great way for more engagement.

Instagram has an in-built messaging feature

Now, what is the difference between Facebook’s messaging feature and Instagram’s messaging feature? Both of them allow users to message their friends and family. However, to use messaging feature on Facebook you first have to install Facebook messenger and for Instagram, you don’t need to have any app installed. Isn’t it better to use such an app where you don’t have to install various other apps to use some features?

Other advantages of using Instagram over Facebook include:

Instagram lets you cross-post to other various platformsInstagram’s content is much more engaging than other social media sitesYou get to choose from a wide range of filtersInstagram is mobile-friendly

So, these are the major advantages of using Instagram over Facebook. While I was writing about these advantages, I also realized that Instagram will soon take over all the other social media platforms. Do you know who is the most followed celebrity on Instagram? So, it is Cristiano Ronaldo! He has 455M followers on Instagram. This blog was all about why Instagram is better than Facebook. Do tell us through the comment section below whether you agree with this statement or you think Facebook is better than Instagram. Also, do let us know if you are aware of other advantages of using Instagram over Facebook! Also read: The Viral Sad Face Filter on Instagram

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